Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
We are proud to be rated as a child care service that is ‘Exceeding National Quality Standards’ by the Education and Early Childhood Services Registration and Standards Board of SA; the highest level at which a service can be rated.
Black Forest Primary School OSHC strives at all times to create an atmosphere where children feel safe, happy and supported; an environment that encourages families to contribute and develop a sense of ownership of the service and its educational program.
The program provided each day is planned in collaboration with children, families and educators, centred around the interests of children and their needs, providing for inclusion, social interaction, physical activities and sports, creative and dramatic arts, music, cooking and much more. Older children have the ability to get together in their own quiet space to complete homework individually or as a group under the guidance of a trained educator. Spontaneity is a hallmark of our program and provides for children’s interests on any particular day, directing the program to better cater for their enjoyment and experiences.
It is our hope that the positive experiences and relationships developed throughout their time at Black Forest Primary School OSHC will reward children with an appreciation of the world they live in, and provide them with opportunities and direction as they embark upon a journey of lifelong learning and sharing their knowledge with others.
Director: Adam Moller
Welcome new families!
Call or email to book a family interview to start your OSHC enrolment.
Contact our OSHC
Director: Adam Moller
Phone: (08) 8293 8085
Email: oshc.bfps459@schools.sa.edu.au
Address: 679 South Road, Black Forest SA 5035