Uniform Purchases
Black Forest Primary School is a school with strong traditions. Among these is the wearing of school uniform. The purpose of the uniform is to create a sense of community supporting a feeling of belonging and safety for all. Our uniform offers affordable clothing for all students, based around the school colours of royal blue and navy.
Uniform items can be purchased from the Finance Office from 8.30-9.30am Monday to Friday, or online through the Qkr app.
Uniform Pricelist
(PDF, 356 KB )
Uniform Policy
(PDF, 451KB)

Parents and Caregivers are now able to order uniforms online via a phone app – QKR
Below is an instructional video to get you started.
Alternatively you can follow the instructions on the document below. This app will be a time saver and reduce the need to find change for the lunch order bag. You also have the option to order in advance. Please note that orders will close at 9:30am each day (for that particular day). Give it a go and please give us feedback.
Qkr! Instructions
(PDF, 1.15MB)