Our School Values
At Black Forest Primary School we live by a set of values chosen by our students and our school community. On a daily basis we are sharing common language with our students around how we want to act and participate in our learning and the standards that we all need to live by. The five values that encompass our set of standards are:
We believe that every person at Black Forest needs to be Respectful. We need to respect ourselves, others, our school and the land that we meet on.
Responsibility means knowing your role at Black Forest Primary School. We all have a responsibilities to work through each day, and we strive to fulfill those effectively.
Working effectively with others is something we strive to instill in our students at Black Forest Prtimary School. To be a successful learner in the 21st century needs more than just academic skills, but effective social and collaborative skills, therefore we place a high importance on building and maintaining working relationships with everyone.
Effort is something we place a high value on at Black Forest Primary School. Our reports not only reflect academic achievement, but effort and the endeavour students are showing. We instill the idea every day that hard work, creativity, attitude and commitment to a task will always bring positive outcomes.